July Newsletter 2023

Anthony Book Long Haul Trucking

Purpose Driven!

Professional drivers, committed office professionals, clean equipment and reliability are some of the key ingredients to Long Haul’s secret sauce. As an Employee Owned company, our team goes to work every day with a purpose to do the best possible job for themselves and do well for others. In an industry that is constantly evolving with new technology, regulation, and change, one thing that will always stand the test of time is customer satisfaction and driver experience. Long Haul Trucking believes in continuous improvement and always works to grow with the times while staying deeply connected to the roots of being a valuable, reliable transportation partner for clients, and a home for the best drivers in the industry.

Harry Slimmer Scholarship Applications Due by Sept.1st!

This is the final reminder for all drivers that any applications you have for the Harry Slimmer Scholarship Fund need to be submitted by September 1st! If you have been one of our drivers for greater than one year and have a dependent in college, you are eligible to apply! These are great scholarships that help the family members of Long Haul’s fleet and office staff with financial aid as they pursuit secondary education. Email Tiffani for a Scholarship application.

CVSA Champions!

Congratulations to the following three drivers who all celebrated a clean inspection during the CVSA Safe Driver Week and earned themselves a $100 gift card for the effort!
7/12/23 Donald A Clean Level 3
7/13/23 Wendell Q Clean Level 1
7/14/23 Charles F Clean Level 3
Way to go team!

Shop Appointments

If you have a shop appointment scheduled for a specific date and time, we ask going forward that you notify that shop no less than 1 hour ahead of time if you are running late. Few things are as frustrating for the drivers who made it to their appointments on time to have to sit and wait while those who showed up hours behind their scheduled start time are needing to be worked into the schedule. Be timely with your shop appointments in the same way you do with customers!