June Newsletter 2023

Anthony Book Long Haul Trucking

37 Years of Excellence!
July 1st marked the 37th year of history for Long Haul Trucking and presented a time for us to stop, reflect and be thankful for all those who have helped make our company what it is today! Since we started our first engine over 37 years ago, we have always been a company that takes pride in giving some of the best, most professional drivers in America a place to call home. This has been accomplished by putting drivers first, being selective in who we hire, treating them with respect and offering some of the best equipment and pay the industry can offer. Around our amazing core of drivers, we have put together a team of office professionals that are focused on our company’s success, taking care of our clients, and making sure the reputation of Long Haul is preserved and known as one of top tier trucking companies out there. Our team of employee owners and drivers remain focused to this day on making sure that anyone who interacts with Long Haul still receives a thoughtful, professional, and caring experience. We couldn’t be prouder of the amazing group of people that have played in role in our success and are excited to see what the future holds!

Diesel Shop Driven for Success
The month of June packed a punch in terms of temperatures and hot days recorded but our diesel shop, Premier 94, didn’t flinch for a minute! Thank you to all our diesel mechanics, diesel techs and trailer techs for the unbelievable amount of hard work and passion you demonstrated over the past month while sometimes wrenching in unbelievably warm conditions. We sincerely appreciate each of you for the great work you do in keeping our trucks rolling and cannot thank you enough for all you do!

Maintenance Reports
We would like to remind all drivers the importance of staying on top of maintenance reports and having them sent to Safety for record keeping. It’s no surprise that Long Haul drivers take great pride in maintaining their equipment to the highest possible level and proper keeping of maintenance reports only helps represent that! If you aren’t positive where to send them, Safety has a cell phone that drivers can use to text all their documents such as inspections, fuel receipts, maintenance reports, damage photos, etc. The number is 763-458-0991. Thank you, drivers for your great work in the first half of 2023, let’s keep rolling strong!

Safety Update
We would like to remind all drivers that Luma is one of our main communication tools with you and the importance of paying attention to any new alerts you may receive from it. You will receive alerts via email or text message when new training or communications are assigned and it is expected of you all to stay on top of it. If you have any issues accessing your account, please let a member of the safety department know. Also, please welcome our newest Safety teammate, Mariah, who is our new point person on claims. Lisa is now doing maintenance reports, inspection updates and administering training. Lastly, next week is Operation Safe Driver Week, this year the focus will be on speeding! Please make sure that you practice a safe speed and following distance all year long to be the safest drivers you can be!